
Technology and Science

Wireless Communications

What Is 5G?

5G is the new generation of wireless cellular communications technology, coming after 4G LTE. It was first developed successfully in 2017 and first implemented in 2019.


5G works using something called millimeter waves. These waves are, as the name implies, a millimeter wide, and are classified as extremely high frequency. 5G is going to work, and cover large areas, using something called MIMO, or Multiple In Multiple Out. MIMO uses multiple antennas on a single tower to communicate with multiple devices at once. This will let 5G handle a higher population density and increase connectivity speeds. 5G has a specification of at least a 20 gigabit per second downlink and at least a 10 gigabit per second uplink rate, as well as a maximum latency of 4ms.


5G’s high speed communication speeds make it useful for a lot of things. Self-driving cars need a constant flow of information about vehicles nearby, stoplights, roadblocks, and other things in order to successfully maneuver through traffic and manage roads. If there is even a small delay, you cannot have a self-driving car because there will be a delay of information (if a car merges on to your lane on a highway at high speeds, and you are even 2 seconds late to react, that is not good.) 5g can do that. Phones will get faster. 5G may even replace WIFI!

Another one of 5G’s most interesting and important uses is the IoT, the Internet of Things. Using 5G, we can make delivery drones go to your house to deliver a package, communicate with your mailbox, put it inside, and the mailbox will let your phone know that a package has arrived- while you’re on a plane. Speaking of which, airplane WIFI will get much faster and reliable using 5G. Think of the possibilities!

So what does that mean for me?

Well, first off, you can get a 5G phone right now from some carriers (but that doesn’t mean you will necessarily get 5G coverage- it is only available in some areas.) You may not need to drive, or even need a key to unlock your house.

But remember, this is still a few years away.

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